Santa Fe

Santa Fe  Weather

February 22, 2025

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The average annual precipitation is less than 10 inches, resulting in a high desert climate. Showers and thunderstorms are likely in the summer months when the monsoon rains fall.  The monsoonal moisture usually begins around the 4th of July and continues through early September. Winter storms can bring a mix of rain and snow with heavy snow in the mountains. 

Precip Cast

The average annual precipitation is less than 10 inches, resulting in a high desert climate. Showers and thunderstorms are likely in the summer months when the monsoon rains fall. The monsoonal moisture usually begins around the 4th of July and continues through early September. Winter storms can bring a mix of rain and snow with heavy snow in the mountains.  

Temperature Cast

Hour by hour temperature forecast for New Mexico using the Euro model. Look ahead for the next three days to see the weather headed your way. Forecast is updated four times daily. Click on any city and get a detailed forecast for the next 6 days.

Snow Cast

On average, Santa Fe gets about 23 inches of snow each year.  However, that can vary greatly from year to year and where you are in Santa Fe. The 23 inches is the official total at the airport on the south side of town where the elevation is 6,348 feet.  The elevation of the Downtown Santa Fe Plaza is 6,991 feet.  So the plaza can get a little bit more snow than the south side of town. Once you head into the mountains and elevation rises, you will see much more snow.  The average snow at the Santa Fe Ski Area is about 225 inches per year.  Snow can begin as early as October, but isn't likely until December.  Snow can continue through February and March, but it has been known to snow in April and as late as May.    
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